Saturday, 30 November 2013

Foxes everywhere

SALE in my new crochet shop! For a few days only my patterns, lace collars , creature brooches and new fox mittens are on sale at discounted prices. Guys I want my new shop to be a success and need a few customer reviews, so take a look, they make cute christmas presents.
(I shall replace all the shop mitten photos with better non ipod ones later today btw)
Also child sizes are available, and some wolf and owl mittens are coming soon...

 Fox mittens available in cream, blue and grey.

 In progress...

 Owl necklace, metallic cream and silver yarn for the chain

 Metallic silver and cream yarn fox pendant

 Polar bear christmas decoration

 Fox (also available without the bow) and ladybird brooches

 Multicolor wool acorn necklace

acorn, leaf, flower pendant  on antique chain
Tempted? xxx


  1. Thanks Rehanon! I sold 3 pairs of mittens over the week end as well as the silver fox pendant so am pretty chuffed!

  2. omg how absolutely adorable are the foxes!!! so sweet mittens!!!
    i hope you have a great weekend!
    love and kiss,mary
