Saturday, 3 December 2011

Oh you pretty things

These days i have been inspired by pretty things seen here and there: Sacai creation seen on Susie Bubble's fashion blog: how could I make my own version? wool and lace, lovely.
 I received this vintage dress, ordered on Clever nettle's brilliant blog/vintage shop. I shall be wearing it tonite on a night out in Liverpool. Life doesnt get more exciting than that right?

Lucky jackson's amazing embroidered portraits:
Embroidered bag seen on 'Le monde de Lea's blog. I just HAVE to make one just like that! So pretty.

Discovered a super cool, funny and charming blog, featuring lots of 'existential embroidery', perfect! Check it out at: miss-stitch therapy

Quilt seen on flicker, I can imagine myself stitching bits of patchwork in front of the tv for months or years to try and maybe, maybe make something just as wonderful :
Last but not least, i have been making crocheted mittens following an hexagon pattern seen on Ravelry and they are a dream to make and wear. They shall be xmas presents for friends and family this year.
(a 50g skein makes 2 mittens,Knitcoll Adriafil, pure merino wool, for the blue one and multi color one on the far right)
Feel free to order some from me, I sell them £8 a pair.
What have you been up to? x


  1. Hi LO (i wish i could find on my keyboard the "O" with the wiggly line above it!!). Cool blog too, thank you for posting about my pieces :) I am very excited to see the quilt picture - did you know that quilt is very famous? It is the Greenham Common Quilt. The Greenham protest was a famous protest in the UK led by women against cruise missiles. I had done a post about Greenham and the quilt some time ago: ...thought you might be interested. have a good day :)

  2. Thank you for clarifying this about the quilt, I'm glad you like my blog too, yours is so freaking inspiring!
